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You just scored big.
What You Just Won: 
A piece of original comic art.  Panels from The Unionizer, or one of our other titles.
How to claim your winnings:

Step 1: Put “Prize #2015-2” and your mailing address in the form below*.  It’s important to put in that prize number!
Step 2: Fill in the Captcha so we know you’re not a robot, and hit “send.”

Where should we send your art?

3 + 13 =

Step 3: We will send you an email when we’ve sent your prize.  Our goal is to have all prizes in the mail within a week of getting your email.

Step 4: Support us on Patreon!  We love you.

Step 5: That’s it!  Go do kind things, be awesome, and appreciate life.  We know you were probably going to do that anyway.  We just like to be encouraging.

*We do not share your information with anyone, and will only use it to contact you in ways that you tell us are OK.

For a few bucks a month, we will bring you the kind of stories that would make Joe McCarthy blacklist us.  We’ll surprise you every now and then.   And we’ll be building the new world with you in the trenches as we go.

Click below, and let’s do this. Thanks for your help.

Support us on Patreon.