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In Which We Talk About Things and It’s Very Important

So, it was great to be invited on to a local Guerilla TV show by Chuck Livecchi of  Co-host Tess Padmore was great to talk with, and we even got Dave into the conversation on short notice.  I am always horrified at how I look on camera, but life is full of...

Merry Christmas! Still stuck in a Dickens novel.

Oh, man, I read some crappy, bullying internet comments disrespecting Home Health Aides and Home Care Assistants as “bullshit jobs” a little while back, and I am so ready to unload on them.  But now I can’t find them.  I thought they were on this...

Not bad for a bunch of collectivists…

If you know me, you’ve probably already heard me talk about this, because it’s something I happened to be in the vicinity of that I’m pretty star struck by.  I’m sharing it again. David Koch wrote a WSJ editorial not long ago, saying something...

The Tree With Healthy Boundaries

This year is the 50th Anniversary of Shel Silverstein’s book The Giving Tree.  Given how deeply implicated Shel Silverstein is in the magical Christmas mornings of my childhood, this is a big deal to me. I recently came across this NY Times Book Review...

What good is this extra-strong Charmin now?

Ugh, I started a new toilet paper roll, and you know how sometimes the two plys don’t stay together right when you first try to get it started, and you end up with this wonky split-toilet-paper situation?  I’ve got that. Also, I’m getting evicted at...

I find the way old men talk about fear important.

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” -Franklin Delano Roosevelt, first inaugural address. March 4, 1933.   I always thought that line was poetic and reassuring. “Yes, things are bad, but take heart.” These days, I think it’s more perceptive than...